“They tried to bury us.
They didn’t know we were seeds.”
– Mexican Proverb.
Free Xmas Feast for the Community of Boca de Tomatlan, Mexico.
Photos of the event by Glen Paling, are from Xmas 2022.
A very special thank you to Carmen de Alba & the Mothers of Boca de Tomatlan for the prepartion of the food, and to the men who built the outdoor palapas for the event.
WHEN: Saturday December 17, 2022, from 4-7pm.
WHERE: Boca de Tomatlan at WIN’s Palapa on the edge fo the river on the southern side, near the suspension bridge.
MENU: free to the community.
Made my local mothers & grandmothers who are paid for the great cooking.
Freshly Made Tamales
Traditional Pasta with Ham
Atole as a fresh made (alcohol free) drink
“Bolos” (small bags with treats for children).
Pinatas will be decorating the outdoor space to invite children to participate.
HOW: This Xmas dinner has been donated anonymously, but we like to say it comes from Santa Claus for the children.
With the proceeds of the online sales of three internationally known photographs by Marcus Leatherdale, and a custom mosaic piece by local artist Christelle Cier, 100% of the proceeds will be used to prepare & serve a traditional Christmas dinner for 100 people or more, to be served under fleshly constructed outdoor palapas along the Boca River.
The true objective is to serve a delicious meal to anyone who wants to join us. The celebrations is for those residing in Boca de Tomatlan, a small coastal fishing village, during the Xmas season. This is our second year in creating this project.
Go to this link to see updated bidding notices.
Also, contact Guy Berube at guy@lapetitemortgallery.com
What is a Traditional Posada:
Las Posadas is a novenario. It is celebrated chiefly in Latin America, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and by Hispanics in the United States. A ritual re-enactment of Mary and Joseph’s search for a lodging in Bethlehem, performed just before Christmas.It is typically celebrated each year between December 16 and December 24. Latin American countries have continued to celebrate the holiday, with very few changes to the tradition.
Our goal is to make this an annual event.
Special thanks for my many friends for their assistance, advice and constant humour:
Siria Rodriguez & her family (Puerto Vallarta), Christelle Cier & Steph Gallotta (Paris, France & Puerto Vallarta), Patti Ann Neumayer & Andres Jarero Chavez (Boca de Tomatlan), Whitney Lewis-Smith (Vancouver, Canada), Peggy Hoffman Fields (Santa Monica, California & Punta Negra, Mexico), Steve Jones (Ottawa, Canada), Tom & Sheila Lawson (Ottawa, Canada), Richard Methot (Montreal, Canada), Carmen de Alba & Brewster Brockmann of Galeria Olinala (Puerto Vallarta), John Phillips (Toronto, Canada), Sheila Reid & Glen Paling (Vancouver, Canada) (Vancouver, Canada), Taya Williams & Salvador Amezola, owners of Ofelia’s Wine Bar, including staff & Enrique Zepeda at Muy Guapo Gallery, all local businesses.
Special Thank You to the Vallarta Food Bank for their inspiration. A similar event was held last year in Boca de Tomatlan with the assistance for the Vallarta Food Bank in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and we are very grateful for their continued friendship.
Vallarta Food Bank in Boca de Tomatlan 2021