Art Books by Francois Escamel


AVAILABLE ART BOOKS by Francois Escamel: $75 each.

  1. ‘Free from Slavery’ by François Escalmel, 13×11 in, 33×28 cm.  90 Pages: Publish Date: May 02, 2009. Language English

  2. ‘Underpopulated’ Drawings by François Escalmel, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm. 20 pages. Date: Mar 07, 2013. Language English

  3. ‘Nuclear Child’ the paintings of François Escalmel,  10×8 in, 25×20 cm. 40 Pages. Publish Date: Jan 09, 2007. Language English


Enjoy works by François Escalmel up close at his “Bound for Glory” exhibition, from now until January 6, 2019. You’ll find the exhibit at Maison de la culture Frontenac, located at 2550 Ontario St E, Montreal. It is open Tuesday through Thursday from 1pm until 7pm, and Friday and Saturday from 1pm until 5pm. Admission is free.

François Escalmel has achieved success in Montreal, Germany and Italy with his surrealistic paintings.  Not content to merely return to a proven formula, the artist has also produced abstract images, and photo
graphic works where he shrinks himself to fit into miniature worlds of his own creation.  Paul Larson shines the Spotlight on this prolific innovator.
Escalmel is also a filmmaker, having produced a documentary about American figurative artist Jerome Witkin.  Learn more about this program here.


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