Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ Mid Century Photographs of Life of Christ

Collection of Mid Century Authentic Photographs depicting ‘Life of Christ’, 1950’s.





Unique set of 13 authentic silver gelatin photographs

(see actual silver reflection on some of the photos),

which are all actual authentic, dark room printed,

silver gelatin prints, all 8 x 10 inches. dark room printed,


After research, these are actual photographs from major art institutions,

used for reference, teaching, research by scholars, collectors,

art dealers of the period.



Torcello’s cathedral detail: Edition, Alinari 18288-

Venezia- Isola di Torcello Duomo. Un dettaglio del gran mosaico

nella parte di fondo (XII Secolo).

The artwork represents a detail of The grand Mosaic of Torcello’s cathedral


Deleted: Appraised at USD$300 each.


Unchanged: Unchanged: <p> </p>
Deleted: PROVENANCE:  

Deleted: Part of the Private Estate Art Collection of a Los Angeles Collector

of Mid Century Art (1920-70’s), who passed away in 1999 in the USA.

Acquired via his son in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. 


Deleted:In several weeks of research, I’ve been able to conclude that the

collection belonged to a great lover of the arts, with quite a

variation in selection in his acquisitions. We can find paintings

containing abstract, portraiture, still life &amp; landscapes;

along with quite a variation in photography from journalistic,

picturesque to mildly erotic. 


Deleted: It is my understanding, going through most of the archives,

that the collector had amassed an incredible quantity of

art history books, magazines, newspaper clippings &amp;

hundreds of handwritten notes. I also conclude that the

collector, along with his research, conducted art history

talks at certain art institutions, I believe, as a self-taught

art historian of sorts, which depicts his real passion;

the sharing of his knowledge to others.

Deleted: Research:  
Deleted: Market Value:  
Deleted: https://wallector.com/en/45993-anonymous-torcellos-cathedral-detail.html  
Deleted: Identical examples featured here at the archives of Fondazione Frederico Zeri, Universita de Bologna:  
Deleted: https://catalogo.fondazionezeri.unibo.it/scheda.v2.jsp?decorator=layout_resp&amp;apply=true&amp;tipo_scheda=OA&amp;id=2179&amp;titolo=Anonimo+sec.+XII%2C+Crocifissione+di+Cristo%2C+Discesa+di+Cristo+al+limbo%2C+Cristo+in+gloria+tra+la+Madonna%2C+san+Giovanni+Evangelista%2C+apostoli+e+angeli%2C+Giudizio+Universale%2C+Eletti%2C+Dannati%2C+Madonna+orante&amp;locale=en



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