Philippe Jusforgues, Paper Cutter, Paris

What hidden secrets are behind the faces he ascribes? Why does he disfigure the images in these ways? What is on his mind? What are his secrets? What are the secrets of the ancient sitters? And, for that matter, what are your secrets and how and where do you hide them? 
Jusforgues likes to find things that other people have discarded or sold or let go, and he takes them up and adds his own marks to them. This isn’t something new, of course, but what Jusforgues does is add what can only be described as unnerving and terrifying. Welcome to his world. 
He sometimes reveals the secrets by turning the subject inside out. What looks like something that has been taken from a medieval butcher’s shop ends up on the face of a fine, upstanding citizen. 
Come and see these fascinating, exquisite images and share your secrets with us….
– written by Julie Hodgson, 2010
Artist Statement:
Philippe Jusforgues (french, 1967- ) is living and working in Paris.
Family pictures and old amateur prints are the trade mark of his creations.
PJ works directly on the originals and changes drastically their rassuring neutrality.
Collage is the main medium for this work on how to resurect images.
q) So, can you tell me a little about yourself? Full name, age, some background info, etc?
a) Philippe Jusforgues, 39 years old,born in Monaco, live and work in
Paris since 1992…
q)How did you get started making art?
a) Drawing
q)How would you describe your art?
a) I wouldn’t
q)Where do you get the inspiration for your art?
a) To my drug- dealer’s
q) What are your artistic influences?
a) Everything my brain digests
q) How are the reactions on your work in general?
a) Euphoria, some girls strip naked while wailing
q) What are you doing when you are not creating art?
a) I drink champagne
q) Tell us about a recent dream you had.
a) I was flying above the city with my girlfriend
q) What is freedom to you as an artist?
a) No alarm clock that would spoil my flying
q) Are there any particular works you’ve done that stand out as your favorites?
a) In every séries I have some favorites… I’ll publish my best of
when I’ll be old and famous…
q) Last Books you read?
a) “Les chemins de Sion” et “Septentrion” de Louis Calaferte
q) Who are your favourite artists & Your favourite galleries?
a) Diane Arbus, Twombly, Roger Ballen, Stéphane Mandelbaum, Richard
Billingham, Chapman’s brothers,
Pierre la Police, Paul Mc Carthy, Hanakuma etc…More than galleries,I visit bookshops, espécially
“Un Regard Moderne”, rue Gît-le coeur, à Paris.
q) Which do you think make good art good? originality, or style? And, why?
a) I think sincerity is the most important thing. It’s not a
guarantee to make good art but there’s not good art without it.

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